Monday, July 30, 2012

Thru the winds of Tribulation, Adjust the sails of our lives to go where needed

Last night as I was sitting under a tree in the dark cool night of summer. I saw a twinkle in the sky, the stars above seemed to look down at me as the moon smiled upon my face. A cool breeze blew across my skin and ruffled thru my hair. as I sat pondering things and praying to heavenly father I felt a peace come into my heart and fill in the cracks. As I pondered things that needed to be done my phone went off and I received a message from an old friend who now lives out of the state, He sent me a long caring message that confirmed to me the thoughts that were running thru my mind as I read the words that were written a sense of happiness and peace made me smile. I know where  Iam going and I know who I am its time to live like it. I will carry on doing the things I love but I know I dont need a man in my life, I can be happy and fullfilled with out a boyfriend. I can focus on school, My music, My photography, and writing... I can work on my book, I can write more songs, I can go out and sing karaoke with my friends, I can travel whenever I want. I can do anything I want if i just put my mind to it! I will be recieveing my AA soon and then will be planning the rest of my lifes adventure! The winds will keep blowing and may get stronger but as for me an my boat of life I will just keep on adjusting my sales to stay on the course that I WANT! I really dont care if you dont like me, if you say im not good enough well maybe your not good enough for me, if you say im not pretty then guess what your the one who may want to look in the mirror and look inside yourself to make sure your not ugly inside. I am happy with who I am right now at this moment! Yes I may be lonely and yearn for love but I dont NEED it. I am happy with where my life is heading the wind will not throw me off course ever again! I am strong, I am Talented, and people like to throw rocks at things that shine, So I must be doing something right and I must be shining because I have been collecting alot of rocks! :) I love all of my friends and family who have been supportive and full of love and patience! to you I owe the world. I will see you at the top when I get there cuz you are all coming with me! LETS DO THIS! LETS SET SAIL FOR THIS NEW ADVENTURE!